Zurich Walks

Despite the (almost constant) threat of rain during my most recent visit to Zurich, we managed to get a decent amount of walking time around the city and saw some lovely sights along the way.

There's more street art in Zurich than I was expecting, and not just usual spray can graffiti. This was my favourite.

There’s more street art in Zurich than I was expecting, and not just usual spray can graffiti. This was my favourite.

Although they are not my favourite things to walk up, the hills in Zurich mean views up and down streets are more interesting and varied.

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There are also green spaces to be found; the weather was nice to enough to allow me to enjoy them in sunshine.




At one point, I walked alongside the river and saw someone taking a picture of what seemed to be ordinary pavement, but then I looked closer and saw lizards all along the concrete, warming themselves in the sun.



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